1 | Sh. Varun | 20/01/2025 | 02/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 20.01.2025 in the early morning to 02.02.2025 till 05:00 PM |
2 | Ms. Sapna Pandey | 20/01/2025 | 11/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 20.01.2025 morning till the late evening of 11.02.2025. |
3 | Ms. Pratibha Negi | 20/01/2025 | 02/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 20.01.2025 in the morning till 02.02.2025 evening |
4 | Sh. Rajinder Kumar | 18/01/2025 | 12/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 18.01.2025 after court hours till morning of 12.02.2025 |
5 | Ms. Sheetal Sharma | 18/01/2025 | 11/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 18.01.2025 after office hours till the evening of 11.02.2025 (19.01.2025 being Sunday) |
6 | Sh. Ashok Kumar | 18/01/2025 | 02/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 18.01.2025 after office hours till the evening of 02.02.2025 (19.01.2025 being Sunday |
7 | Sh. Gaurav Chaudhary | 18/01/2025 | 20/01/2025 | station leave w.e.f. 18.01.2025 after court hours till 20.01.2025 before court hours |
8 | Ms. Shikha Lakhanpal | 18/01/2025 | 03/02/2025 | Station leave w.e.f. 18.01.2025 till 03.02.2025 before office hours. |